Best Sorry quotes, messages, images for you

You know how most of the relations get spoiled? It is because, even after doing the wrong, we are not ready to say sorry. We will keep on waiting for the other person to say sorry and this wait ultimately result in the end of the relationship. 

The first thing that we should understand in this case is that, we will not lose anything by saying the word “sorry” to someone. In the other hand, it will help us to maintain our bonds with others and also create a feeling of respect in their mind for us. If you are not able to say it to them directly, you can even send a message to them which can help to melt the ice in your relation.

sorry quotes

Sorry Quotes: -

Let us assume that you have done a fight with your best friend and now you people are not willing to talk to each other. Then how the problem between you will be solved? So, any of you must take an initiative to start talking and it is better to start your conversation with an apology. This will really help in quick resolution of the problem. The words of apology will make the other person also feel guilty and he too will feel guilty. Here are some of the best apology messages that you can use in such a situation.

sorry quotes

"Tough times teach you some of life’s most important lessons, most importantly that a real friend will stick by your side through it all. Thanks for being one, I’m sorry if you had to bear the brunt of my mood swings."
“An apology given just to appease one’s conscience is self-serving and better left unspoken!” – Evinda Lepins
“It will never do to plead sin as an excuse for sin, or to attempt to justify sinful acts by pleading that we have an evil heart. This instead of being a valid apology, is the very ground of our condemnation.” – Archibald Alexander
"Some people accidentally walk on your feet and apologize, while others walk all over your heart and don’t even realize."
“Would ‘sorry’ have made any difference? Does it ever? It’s just a word. One word against a thousand actions.” – Sarah Ockler
"As my best friend, I know you have the right to demand an apology. As your best friend, I hope you know I have the right to demand forgiveness. I am sorry."
“In this life, when you deny someone an apology, you will remember it at time you beg forgiveness.” – Toba Beta
"Life has its own way of making you realize the value of friendship… and the worst part is that it’s always in hindsight. I miss you my friend, I’m sorry for not keeping in touch."
“An apology can be a wonderful thing so long as it is infrequent and from the heart. However, beware of the person who justifies bad behavior with apologies. For them it is a means to an end, and quite often at your expense.” – Gary Hopkins
"How we went from being best friends to complete strangers, I still can’t understand. Life played its cruel game and we went our separate ways. Looking back and thinking about all the memories, I realize that I still care. Sometimes I wish I could just turn back time to when life was good and we were still friends. I know it’s late, but I am sorry for letting go."
"Sometimes I take you for granted, but I promise it’s only because I feel that you are the only one in the whole world who will understand me for who I am. I’m sorry."
"The best way to say sorry to friends is to look them in the eye and bare your heart. If they really care for you, they’ll understand. That’s exactly what I’m doing now."
“You can always say sorry, But the real apology is when you hear the sadness in their voice and see the look in their eyes. And you realize that they have hurt themselves just as much.”
"I am sorry I haven’t been in touch since quite a while but I have been really busy. But I seek comfort in the fact that our friendship is so beautiful that even if we speak after many months, it will be just like we spoke yesterday."
“Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth.” – Jose N. Harris

Sorry Messages 

Oh my God…!!! You will be going through a very tough situation of your life, if you are planning to apologies to your wife. They are the most loveable persons in the World, but at the same time they also get hurt very easily. So, you must be very careful about the words that you will be saying to make her happy. A single word can change the entire situation. To help you at this stage, we have come up with the below messages. Go ahead and try the same and make your life better again.

sorry messages

"My Dear! Fight between you and me were not serious, It just part of life. Not take serious it because, Someone said “Where there is life there is a fight”, I am say Sorry My love.
“My dear wife, I am really very sorry that I kept you waiting yesterday and didn’t turn up soon. I seek forgiveness for the same and hope you will forgive me soon. You are the dearest to my heart and my life sweetheart.”
"When we got married, you said ‘I do’ Why can’t you give me the same answer when I ask you ‘Do you forgive me?’ I am really very sorry darling."
"Some one that is the most unlucky man in the universe, it’s me because I make my wife angry with me I want, Help by the breeze to tell her I am sorry and how sad I am to made her sad."
"For my dear wife, I have loved you and will love you forever and it is through this beautiful message I am very sorry and also seek apology for hurting you yesterday. I hope you will forgive me for the same."
"My decision to ask you to marry me was based on many of the lovely qualities you have, and forgiveness was the most important one of them. So please prove my decision right and forgive me. I am sorry."
"No can say I am a happy and a rich man. Because happiness is with my wife and My wealth is with its happiness and I have, Made my wife angry with me. I want to say. Sorry to my wife. Please forgive me."
"For my lovely wife, to the lady who is the center of my life and my love, I ask for forgiveness from you for the hurt I have caused you. I am extremely very sorry and seek forgiveness for the same. I hope you will forgive me for that."
"I have always chosen everything in my life very carefully, but I faltered when I called you names. I promise that from now on, I will choose my words carefully too. I’m sorry."
"Smile is the best medicine, Keep smiling even others Think you are crazy. I am sorry, My dear I am feeling very lonely, Without. I am sorry come back at home."
"I confess that what I said what a lie, but that doesn’t make me a liar. Just because we’re going through a rough patch, doesn’t mean our love will expire. I’m going to bare open my heart to you in the coming days, so you can see how regret is breaking me from inside in every possible way. Sorry."
"Wife, you are the reason for my smile and my life, and I am extremely sorry that I have hurt you. I seek forgiveness for the same and hope you will forgive me soon"

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