Happy Good Friday Quotes, Images, Wishes, Prayers, Messages And Status 2018

Do you Know Why Good Friday is considered as "great"? Just what the Jewish authorities as well as Romans did to Jesus was certainly not good (see Matthew chapters 26-27). Nonetheless, the outcomes of Christ's fatality are excellent! Romans 5:8, "Yet God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ craved us." Very first Peter 3:18 tells us, "For Christ needed sins when for all, the exemplary for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was executed in the body yet made alive by the Spirit."

Several Christian churches commemorate Good Friday 2018 with a restrained solution, usually at night, in which Christ's death is born in mind with solemn hymns, petitions of thanksgiving, a message centered on Christ's suffering for our sakes, as well as awareness of the Lord's Supper. Whether or not Christians opt to "commemorate" Good Friday, the occasions of that day should be ever on our minds since the death of Christ on the cross-- along with His physical rebirth-- is the extremely important event of the Christian confidence.
In this post You will Find All the Information and Things like Good Friday Images,Good friday Messages, Good Friday Status for Whatsapp and facebook, Good Friday Quotes...

Good Friday Quotes

Here are Some of the best Good Friday Quotes 2018 You can Update and read These Inspirational Good Friday Quotes..

good friday quotes

Good Friday is a Christian day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.
Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair.
It’s Good Friday. Good because 2000 years ago the events of today prove that we matter to God.
See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted. 
I believe in person to person. Every person is Christ for me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is the one person in the world at that moment. 
On this Good Friday may we never forget the true meaning of Easter – ‘For when He was on the cross, I was on His mind3. 
Mercy Peace and Love, May the grace and Lord S1urround you and be with you On Good Friday
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. In you, O LORD, I take refuge; Let me never be put to shame. In your justice rescue me. Into your hands I commend my spirit; you will redeem me, O LORD, O faithful God.
Good Friday denote the killing of our Jesus
The unblemished sheep, the ideal penance.
He assumed our blame and fault upon Himself
So we could be with Him in heaven.
Good Friday denote the killing of our Jesus, the unblemished sheep, the ideal penance. He assumed our blame and fault upon himself. So, we could be with Him in heaven.
Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf in springtime.--Martin Luther
We see that brow bruised; we hear that dying groan; and while the priests scoff and the devils rave, and the lightnings of God's wrath are twisted into a wreath for that bloody mount, you and I will join the cry, the supplication, of the penitent malefactor, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.--Thomas De Witt Talmage
Thinking of You on Good Friday and praying that the Lord keeps you in his Loving care always.
He drained the cup of God's wrath bone dry, leaving not a drop for us to drink.
The dripping blood our only drink,
The bloody flesh our only food:
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood--
Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.― T.S. Eliot
Maybe the Good Friday story is about how God would rather die than be in our sin-accounting business anymore.― Nadia Bolz-Weber
The dripping blood our only drink,The bloody flesh our only food:In spite of which we like to thinkThat we are sound, substantial flesh and blood -Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.» T.S. Eliot
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. In you, O LORD, I take refuge; Let me never be put to shame. In your justice rescue me. Into your hands I commend my spirit; you will redeem me, O LORD, O faithful God.» Psalm 31
By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!.» Frederic William Farrar

Good Friday Sayings

Below are some of the famous sayings about good friday by some popular peoples.
I am the witness to his fearless death. I am a token of his last promise, Forgiveness am the Cross, Blessings on Good Friday
good friday 2017 images

The Lord lights up our way into eternal bliss. Good Friday.
It’s Good Friday. Good because 2000 years ago the events of today prove that we matter to God.
Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair.
See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted.
Good Friday. Way of the Cross. Fasting and abstinence. Examine conscience. Have a really blessed day.

The concept of substitution lies at the heart of both sin and salvation. For the essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man.  
Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!
Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.
On the Holy day…
May His light guide your path…
May his love grace your heart…
And may His scarifice strengthen
Your Soul ! Thinking of you on
Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus. The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blame upon Himself so we could be with Him in paradise.
Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf in springtime.     

Good Friday is the mirror held up by Jesus so that we can see ourselves in all our stark reality, and then it turns us to that cross and to his eyes and we hear these words, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. That's us!    

Good Friday Wishes

You Can Send these Good Friday Wishes sms and Messages To your Friends And Family On the Holiday..

good friday wishes

Thinking of U on Good Friday and praying dat da Lord keep u in his Luving care alwaysHis life still gives us hope, May you live in his unchanging love. May Jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your Heart. Good Friday!
I am da witness To his fearless death. I am a token of his Last promise - 4giveness I am da CROSS Blessings on Good Friday
At Sussen, the Devil carried off, last Good Friday, three grooms who had devoted themselves to him.
 I am the witness
to his bold passing.
I am a token of his
last guarantee
I am the CROSS Blessings on GoodFriday.
He showed us the way
He has long been gone
And yet in our hearts
His name shines on….
Wish u a Holy Friday!
Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus
The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice.
He took our guilt and blame upon Himself
So we could be with Him in paradise.  
For God so loved the world
That he gave his only begotten son
To be crucified & perished
For the sins of the world
And saved humanity
May God bless us all on this
Good Friday!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." His life still gives us hope, May you live in his unchanging love. May Jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your Heart. Good Friday! 

Good Friday Messages 

If you want to wish someone on good friday you can send these messages to them on this auspicious day.
good friday messages

Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus, The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blamed upon Himself
By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!.

If Christ is God, He cannot sin, and if suffering was a sin in and by itself, He could not have suffered and died for us. However, since He took the most horrific death to redeem us, He showed us in fact that suffering and pain have great power. 
Mercy Peace and Love, May the grace and Lord S1urround you and be with you On Good Friday 
So shall we join the disciples of our Lord, keeping faith in Him in spite of the crucifixion, and making ready, by our loyalty to Him in the days of His darkness, for the time when we shall enter into His triumph in the days of His light. 
May on this Good Friday we start it with Fasting & Prayers so that we can bring God’s mercy & forgiveness on all mankind. Lets Pray together. 
Exalt the Cross! God has hung the destiny of the race upon it. Other things we may do in the realm of ethics, and on the lines of philanthropic reforms; but our main duty converges into setting that one glorious beacon of salvation, Calvary’s Cross, before the gaze of every immortal soul.   
The cross was two pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it; yet it was mightier than the world, and triumphed, and will ever triumph over it.
The dripping blood our only drink,
The bloody flesh our only food:
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood--
Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.
GOOD FRIDAY in my heart! Fear & affright
My thoughts are the Disciples when they fled
My words the words that priest & soldier said
My deed the spear to desecrate the dead
Maybe the Good Friday story is about how God would rather die than be in our sin-accounting business anymore.
Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
What is good about Good Friday? Why isn't it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good. And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal.     
Good Friday is a day of sorrow mingled with joy. It is a time to grieve over the sin of man and to meditate and rejoice upon God's love in giving His only Son for the redemption of sin.     
Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterwards has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified.      

Good Friday Images 

Here are some Good Friday Images with quotes from Bible For you to share on whatsapp and facebook on the good friday. These Good Friday Pictures also can be updated as your wallpapers in the honor of the Jesus Christ.

good friday images

good friday images 2017

good friday pictures

good friday images

happy good friday images

good friday picture

good friday images quotes

Goods friday images

Good friday images

Good friday images

Good friday images

About Good Friday

You can watch the following Short Video to know everything about the good Friday and Jesus Christ.

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